An inept and corrupt leadership in Pakistan have created the conditions for a perfect social, religious, economic and political storm.
An explosive situation is fast spinning out of control which threatens to engulf Pakistan and possibly tear it apart.
The Pakistani people should discard Prime Minister's advice to them, "First of all, please do not panic", for it is now panic time
By supporting terrorists and banned organisations, a bombastic but spineless Imran Khan, for temporary political gain is fatally sacrificing the Pakistan Republic.
The cartoon says it all. Do we need to say more?
All we could possibly say is, 'good luck Pakistan, you are going to need all the luck you can get'.
Interesting links:
Coming implosion and disintegration of Pakistan ~ Guru Wonder
Saudi Arabia offers Pakistan $4.2 billion loan package at 3.2% interest rate ~ YouTube
In Numbers: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ~ The Diplomat
Pakistan, The Cradle of Terrorism ~ Guru Wonder
Idea of Pakistan ~ The Jaipur Dialogues (Hindi) - YouTube
Riyaasat Madina turns into Riyaasat Pudina. Mullahs patronised by Army ~ Arif Aajakia (former mayor of Karachi) on YouTube
Guru Wonder:
Ref: C0101