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Jul 14, 20233 min read
Wonder breaks the shackles of Ideology
We are captives of our knowledge. In reality, we do not 'know', we are simply trained and programmed by others to 'know'. Who are these...
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Jan 11, 20214 min read
Innovation, Creativity, Invention and Business Incubation
The way people make a living, shapes the economic and social character of a society and determines their prosperity and success. Indians...
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Dec 31, 20203 min read
Why, Philosophy is important
Creation, life, death, the universe, love, hate, jealousy, desire, etc. each one of us it seems has countless questions about many...
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Nov 16, 20205 min read
What is Truth?
Truth is a powerful concept. That is why it is often used, overused, misused and mostly abused. Truth could be defined as thoughts,...
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Apr 20, 20201 min read
The religious appear more anxious.
Facebook - Twitter - linkedin - SikhNet - Instagram - SoundCloud #CCPVirus #Coronavirus #cure #Guru #Guru_Wonder #Gurvinder #religious...
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May 31, 20191 min read
The science of destruction
Conflicts and wars drive the science of destruction. This in turn fuels more wars and greater conflicts. Facebook - Twitter - linkedin -...
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