Please, keep us near you.
Mohini and I spend a fair bit of time alone with each other. The evenings usually involve a walk, visiting the Gurudwara (Congregation...
Please, keep us near you.
Difference between men and Women
George Sorrows, the Devil with delusions of being a god
Overcoming the fear of working with friends and family
What is not audited, is not done.
Reading enhances leadership
Why this Generation Gap?
Why does familiarity usually lead to contempt?
The fastest form of communication is,
Carrying Coronavirus fear much too far
Please, keep us close to you.
Raising Questions - Teaching Answers
Defending what we have been given
Smile and be Happy
Females made me nervous
Why is it so delicious?
Modernity, Virginity and Freedom
Running after money is a biological compulsion
Where there is a will ...
There is more to life, than ...
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